24Planning Winter '25 Release
Customization of the View Presets
24Planning supports a number of view presets e.g. day, week, 2-weeks, month, etc. As from the Winter '25 release, it is now possible to change the configuration of these presets or even create new presets.
The main drivers for customizing the presets are:
Increase the ease-of-use for the planner e.g. configure presets that provide the right level of detail by adjusting the tick.
Change the granularity with which you can plan e.g. in case you would like to plan with a 5 or 10 minute granularity.
Configuring the presets is done via the Custom Metadata Types, please consult the 24Planning documentation here.
https://youtu.be/n1nxHme74NQChoose the Unplanned Event Type
It depends on the context what an unplanned event actually means:
If your unplanned events are meetings and your resources are rooms, then usually the start and end time of the meetings are known but the resources is not.
If your unplanned events are production orders and your resource is the only machine on which that production order can be executed, then the resource for the unplanned event is known but you have flexibility in choosing the start and end time.
In some cases, only the duration of the unplanned event is determined upfront, and you can choose both the start and end date, as well as the resource.
The Unplanned Event Type accommodates these 3 scenarios, see here for the details. As an example if the Unplanned Event Type is Resource, you assign a resource to an unplanned event and you are unable to drop this event on an alternative date as the start and end date have been defined already.
https://youtu.be/lAomPJLdrQABETA - Auto-Rescheduling of Events (Beta):
The auto-reschedule feature allows you to insert an event in between other events. The ‘neighbouring’ events are automatically rescheduled in order to make sure that they do not overlap with the inserted event.
This avoids a lot of manual rescheduling when inserting an event.
Note that the auto-rescheduling happens only when the View Preset, e.g. if you are working within a week view. Only the events within that week will be rescheduled.