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24Planning Spring '24 Release

Planning board canvas

The planning board has a number of usability improvements:

  • Pinning of your preferred dataset: regardless of the order of the datasets in the dropdown, each individual users can pin a preferred dataset for convenience.

  • Mark current time: when this option is check in the dataset configuration, a marker will be displayed that indicates the current time.

Unplanned events

24Planning now supports the concept of unplanned events. Unplanned events appear in a sidebar that is opened via the hamburger menu and that allows you to drag & drop unplanned events onto the planning canvas.

Unplanned events have the following capabilities:

  • You add your own definition of what is unplanned e.g. resource not allocated, start time unknown, both resource and start time unknown etc.

  • You can customize the fields shown in the unplanned events sidebar as well as the sorting, see below under dynamic fields.

You can read more on unplanned events in the documentation here or watch a short YouTube video.

Dynamic fields

Dynamic fields can now be configured both for planned and/or unplanned events. You can also specify the order and sorting for dynamic fields.

Read more about dynamics fields in the documentation or watch a short YouTube video.

Furthermore, you can now also hide default fields in the event popup through additional configuration.

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