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Open the 24Planning app via the App Launcher

After installing the app, you can open the 24Planning app via the App Launcher.  This is the app that will allow you to configure the planning tool.

The configuration of 24Planning consists of 3 big parts:

  1. Configuring the Dataset, e.g. for employee planning or production planning. In the configuration of the dataset, you define the general look-and-feel of the planning board and you link the dataset to the underlying datasources.

  2. Configuring the Datasources. In essence, the datasource defines the resources and events that you want to show in the planning board. As a concrete example: resources could be employees, rooms, machines, etc. and events events could be tasks, work orders, production orders, meetings, etc. You can link as many Datasources as you want to one Dataset. Datasources can also belong to multiple datasets.

  3. Salesforce Flows are used to apply particular checks on resources and events and provide that feedback to the planner. As an example you could define a Flow that validates the competences of an employee to execute a certain task and change the color of the task to red in the Planning view in case the employee does not have the right competences. The Flows used within 24Planning are usually record-triggered flows which means they get triggered whenever the underlying record gets updated.

Once the 24Planning app is configured, the Planner can start using it as a digital planning board. This means that the planner can view the current planning but also edit or drag-and drop items on the planning board.

In the next sections, we will describe datasets, datasources, flows and finally the use of the planning board.

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